Have a chicken in every pot

"I'll google up some chicken idioms, may be this will work" - Ign1s, 05.23.2023, 20:09

In this pun-based game you'll need to play as a curious computer which goal is to be as rich as it can - to have a chicken in every pot. Don't let the foxes near henhouse, don't count the chickens before they hatch!

Ign1s#9620 - code, art, concept and audio

Dreadyyyy#1045 - (some) code, level design

PAIN#9904 - (some) art, idea consulting

Kirito_#8641 - music consulting

Made for Spring 2D game jam 2023


Chicaramica 1.0.1 26 MB


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I loved it, really good puzzle game!

Thank you!


This is so good. i cant find a restart/undo button tho. 9/10. kinda feels like baba is you tbh

Thank you! The button is in top left, seems like the camera settings went wrong. We tried to avoid being like biy, but it is inevitable, since our level designer is a huge fan:)


Oh yeah, maybe try to change the scale of the windowed game in the itch page options, I couldn't see the button either! It would have been nice to bind it to "R" for reset too for instance.
That said I really like it!

This will be the main focus of an upcoming update!


do you plan on working on this post jam

Sure as hell I do! I have a powerful urge to polish Chicaramica unitl it gleams, and I want to add all the unused content. Stay tuned, I will be dropping an update in a week or so)



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